Tuesday, February 19, 2019

So Happy Essential Oils Work!

     This morning, my 12 year old son came downstairs and said, "Mom, I need a potion. I'm stuffy and have a sore throat." So I got my essential oils and some honey out. Poured a teaspoon of raw honey into a spoon, added a drop each of OnGuard, Lemon, and Peppermint and had him swallow it. Then I put a little bit of Peppermint on each side of his nose and 2 drops of OnGuard on the back of his neck. Half an hour later, he said he felt GREAT and wanted to go to school!
     But why do I use essential oils? Why didn't I just give him some Over The Counter meds? Why didn't I take him to the doctor? Because it is the start of the cold, it saves money, and it WORKS!!  One way we save money is by not going to the doctor for every ache and sniffle unless we have to! It's not to say that we don't get sick, but it has to be pretty serious for me to make an appointment, especially with a $25 co-pay!
     So, how do we do it? Well, we take preventative measures, like eating a balanced diet and little processed foods (hey, I've got tweens/teens!), getting enough sleep, washing our hands when we return home, especially from school, and during the Winter months, I put OnGuard in the diffuser along with the scent of the day. What is OnGuard? It is doTerra's version of Thieves Oil, that mysterious blend of plant extracts that prevented the thieves from getting sick when they were robbing bodies during the Plague. I had a friend introduce me to essential oils, which I wanted to learn about anyway as our family always seems to be the 1% who get the funky side effects of the medication we're taking. I've only been using them a couple of months, but the family and I are convinced THEY WORK! I started using the OnGuard in the diffuser the week before Thanksgiving. There have been several instances of nasty colds going through school, but my kids have not gotten it! (I know, I know, I've just cursed myself!)  They work so well, my kids call them Potions - because somehow, they make them feel better, like MAGIC! Hey, my character was always the Magical Healer in D&D, so I'm quite happy with that!

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